2016 技師讀書會
- 源 起:
- 有感於台灣對技師的教育並不完善,與技師之病歷溝通並不順暢,自2012年起,開始選擇當代著名的膺復書籍,開始牙醫師與技師的對話,希望在此一教育平台的建構下,牙醫師與技師能有相同的溝通語言,對於彼此的工作都有莫大的幫助。
- 上課方式:
- 每一年度由本院學術組代訂所需書籍,輪流報告並加以討論。
- 上課時間:
- 每雙月擇一周六半天
- 上課費用:
- 年費為 1,000 元
- 書名:
- 2014 年精粹牙科美學
- 作者:
- Sillas Duarte and Jr.
- 出版社:
- Quintessence Pub Co
- 出版資訊:
- 2014
- 9780867156607
- 簡介:
- With a focus on the newest techniques and materials for ultimate esthetic outcomes, QDT 2014 features original articles on minimally invasive indirect restorations, model-guided soft tissue regeneration, opacity control using pressed ceramics, complex integrated esthetic rehabilitation, CAD/CAM tooth-colored occlusal splints, shade interpretation, optical phenomena, and the art of visual thinking. This year‘s State of the Art article by Paulo Kano and Nelson Silva describes the Anatomic Shell Technique for mimicking nature. Sillas Duarte et al provide the year on ceramic-reinforced polymers and CAD/CAM hybrid restorative materials.
- 書名:
- Interdisciplinary treatment planning
- 作者:
- Marcus Oliver Ahlers
- 出版社:
- DentaConcept(台灣由台倢公司代購)
- 出版資訊:
- 2000
- 3933465079
- 簡介:
- 這是一本有關Artex咬合器及相關咬合內涵的書籍。雖然年代久遠,但仍具參考價值
- 書名:
- 口腔解剖生理學-含顎咬合學與咬合器理論 (分2次)
- 作者:
- 方光明
- 出版社:
- 合記
- 出版資訊:
- 2014
- 9789861269702
- 簡介:
- 現代人對於門面的美觀已十分重視,若能擁有一口整齊健康的好牙,不僅是增加顏面美感,更有助於健康,所以對牙齒的基礎研究遂成為現今牙醫學及牙技學之研習者的必修要件。為使初學者能輕鬆瞭解口腔構造,作者累積多年教學經驗,以精簡扼要的文字,將口腔解剖彙整成三大部分,包括口腔解剖與生理學、顎咬合學及臨床上的應用等,書中近450張精美彩色照片及繪圖,亦提供三度空間的立體思維可帶領讀者宛如置身實作情境,有效提升學習效率。書末的重點精華更讓讀者在考前能快速複習,這是一本對於牙醫系及牙體技術學系,以及相關人員實用及入門的教材。
- 書名:
- Atlas of dental rehabilitation techniques (分2次)
- 作者:
- Pascetta, Romeo and Dainese, Davide
- 出版社:
- Quintessence Pub Co
- 出版資訊:
- 2012
- 9788874921782
- 簡介:
- Laboratory procedures require absolute precision to ensure that the appropriate anatomical information is preserved through each stage of fabrication. This laboratory manual defines the key elements that dental technicians should understand to succeed in their work. The authors illustrate the working techniques necessary to create esthetic and functional dental prostheses that reproduce the look of natural teeth. In addition, they detail the technology, materials, and equipment used in their laboratory. In documenting their everyday work routine, the authors underscore the significance of accurate planning, precision work, and clinical and laboratory communication and reveal the steps of the fabrication process for different kinds of restorations. Intended as an accessible and quick-to-consult volume, this exceptional book provides the reader with useful details to address many techniques, from the unexpected challenges for some single-tooth restorations to the complexity of large rehabilitations that present additional difficulties. The talented ceramist authors of this book have distilled their practical experience into the essential techniques, the keys to material selection, and the use of emerging technologies that can guarantee successful prosthetic restoration and patient satisfaction.